How to refer

If you want to find out how we could help you or if you are working with someone who would be interested in our service, referral is easy. For referrals from agencies, all we ask is that the referral is discussed with the person prior to getting in touch with us, and that you have consent to share some basic information and provide us with some idea of what they want to achieve.

For data protection reasons we would prefer to receive referrals over the phone on (01482) 242808.

Or by completing the Online Form.

We’re here to help. Call (01482) 242808 to see how we can get you back to work.

or drop us a line at

Other support

The following organisations we would recommend if you’re seeking further help and support.

Let's Talk
City Health Care Partnership (CHCP) mental health services for people with mild to moderate mental health issues.

Contact details
01482 247111

National Careers Service
Provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

Contact details
National Careers Service
0800 100 900