Helping you stay in work

How we can Help

If your mental health is making it hard for you at work, if you are off sick, or if you are struggling to cope, we can help.

The Equalities act of 2010 protects people with disabilities from discrimination in the workplace. Sickness that has lasted or is expected to last for more than twelve months and affects your day living is covered by this act.

We understand the impact that mental health has on an individual’s life, including at their workplace. Working for Health works alongside employer and employees to provide specialist support and advice.

At Working for Health we can help you stay in work by:

  • Helping you identify what works for you: the problems and positive aspects of your job role.
  • Devising strategies to help you overcome the problems you are facing.
  • Developing a support plan that involves your work place: your employers, line manager and colleagues.
  • Providing you with a return to work plan to support you and your individual needs.
  • Ensuring you have access to expert financial advice and Access to Work resources.

From my first encounter with Working for Health, I’ve found them to be uniquely inspiring and positive. They are encouraging and dedicated to helping clients make practical advances towards successfully managing, or defeating, struggles with mental health.

If you are having problems at work because of your mental health, we are here to help.

As we are a Community Interest Company, we may need support from your employer.

Visit our Thriving at Work page to understand how this programme can help employees and employers.

Thriving at Work

We’re here to help. Call (01482) 242808 to see how we can get you back to work.

or drop us a line at

Other support

The following organisations we would recommend if you’re seeking further help and support.

Job Centre Plus
Your local job centre can administer claims Jobseeker's Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance and Income Support.

Contact details
0800 169 0190
Job Centre Plus Hull

Better Health - Healthier Families
Helps motivate and enable people to lead active and healthy lives.

Contact details
Healthier Families